Echis – Incroci di suoni is an association based in Rome. Born from journalists and editors with a background in radio and audio, Echis realizes projects in support of information and communication access, produces broadcasts and audio-documentaries, organizes radio workshops aimed at informing and facilitating the access to media. Echis also promotes events and live listening happenings.
Andrea Cocco
For over ten years in the radio business, Andrea Cocco realizes programmes and audio-documentaries. He cooperates with other broadcasters like Italian Swiss Radio, and organizes workshops aimed at the creation of radio productions following a participatory approach. He worked in Palestine, Tunisia and several other countries managing radio cooperation projects for Amisnet radio agency.
Marzia Coronati
Marzia Coronati was born in Rome in 1982. She is an editor and audio-documentarist, from 2005 she realizes radio productions. She has been part of Amisnet radio agency for ten years, realizing a programme focused on migration issues and then another one about environment and sustainable alternatives. She produces audio-documentaries for Swiss Italian Radio and Radio Rai Tre. She is a member of Audiodoc association.
Marco Stefanelli
Marco Stefanelli lives and works in Rome on social reportages and audio experimentations. His passion is to manipulate sounds and noises to tell about the reality through its audio de-construction and re-construction. He began to work in the radio thanks to Radio Ghetto and Amisnet experiences. For Amisnet he realized story-telling workshops and training courses in Italy and Palestine.
Nerina Schiavo
Nerina Schiavo lives and works in Rome. After graduating in International Relations she had several experiences in Middle East countries and in the migration field. She arrived at Echis after six months spent in Turkey, where she did research about the Eastern Mediterranean migration route. At Echis she cooperates at the radio productions, in the radio workshops and fund-raising activities.